1h 15m
Ibn al-Qayyim (d. 751 AH/1350 CE) said that the sacred law rests on four pillars: mercy, wisdom, benefit, and justice. How do we preserve these foundational principles given the changing times? This course will examine the landmark work of the master jurist, Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah, “The Marrakesh Declaration”. This work will be examined as an application of legal theory that examines the vital relationship between the rulings of the sacred law and the contextual modifiers critical to ensure the appropriate setting of those rulings. By highlighting the need to harmonize text and context, this work helps provide a real life example of preserving the life giving values of the Sacred Law.
Sacred Law in Context
Session 4 of 7
Sh Hamza Yusuf
Rihla 2018, Berkeley