An Authenticated Biography of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
1 season
Taken from authentic hadith and Quran as a The Prophetic life is analyzed from the time of Jahaliya in the Arabian Peninsula, the youth of the Prophet, his life with Sayeda Khadija, Revelation of Quran and teaching it to others. Then the declaration of Islam of respected people in the community w...
The Bible Through a Muslim Lens
1 season
Comparison between the Bible verse of John 3:16 and Quran 21:107 thoroughly dissected by Dr. Ali Ataie. Degrees of revelation in different religions, with an explanation of Song of Solomon, the description of the Prophet Jesus. Followed by a question and answer section.
Language and Legal Theory
1 season
Sections of of Shaykh Abdullah bin Bayyah’s book Amali Ad-Dilalat Wa Magali Al-Ikhtilafat is interpreted and explained. The first portion is the biography of Shaykh Abdullah bin Bayyah and how the Arabic language is used in Principals of Jurisprudence.(Usul). Detailed explanation of the sciences ...