Repentance, Patience, Fear & Hope, & Abstinence

Repentance, Patience, Fear & Hope, & Abstinence

4 Episodes

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad interviews Dr. Osman Lavic regarding the rare manuscripts of Sarajevo. He begins his lesson on the Ihya Ulum alDeen on the book of Tawba (repentance). Chapter of Tawba is immediately obligatory, Patience and Gratitude, Fear and Hope. Video 33 offers its viewers with a lovely nasheed accompanied with daaf in praise of Allah subhana wa ta'Allah. Concluding with the definition of fear with the concluding video discussing poverty and renunciation.e, Fear & Hope, & Abstinence

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Repentance, Patience, Fear & Hope, & Abstinence
  • IHYA TL 31 Sarajevo

    Episode 1

    IHYA Book 31: Repentance
    Traveling Light: Revival of the Religious Sciences
    Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad

  • IHYA TL 32 Sarajevo

    Episode 2

    IHYA Book 32: Patience and Gratitude
    Traveling Light: Revival of the Religious Sciences
    Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad

  • IHYA TL 33 Sarajevo

    Episode 3

    IHYA Book 33: Fear & Hope
    Traveling Light: Revival of the Religious Sciences
    Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad

  • IHYA TL 34 Sarajevo

    Episode 4

    IHYA Book 34: Poverty & Renunciation
    Traveling Light: Revival of the Religious Sciences
    Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad